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Indulge in the simple elegance of MATCHADO’s Matcha Cheesecake, a treat that’s sure to bring smiles all around. Experience the rich, authentic taste of matcha balanced with just the right amount of sweetness and a silky, creamy texture. This 15cm cake is the perfect size for any occasion—whether at home or a party, it's ready to impress. These delicious cakes also make thoughtful gifts for any special occasion.
· * Keep refrigerated and enjoy within 4 days of delivery.
シンプルでありながら抹茶の香りを堪能していただける抹茶堂のチーズケーキ。濃厚さはありつつも、しっとりクリーミー、甘さ控えめで香り豊かなケーキです。15cm (6インチ)のケーキサイズは、ご自宅、またパーティー用としても最適なサイズです。美しい紙箱入りで、手土産や贈り物にもお薦め。ミニサイズのホールケーキです。お好きなカットでお召しあがりください。
Allergens: Egg, Butter, Milk, Flour (* Please note that MATCHADO is not an allergen-free kitchen. Items may come into contact with any of the allergen ingredients listed or non-listed.)
* Whole cake: 450g (15cm diameter, round)